Lessons & Exercises

If you wish to use these lessons, feel free! 

Eat in or Dine Out? What's the Better Value?

Need or Want? Fixed, Flexible or Discretionary Expense? 

Creativity Pays! Alternatives for Consumers 

Education Pay$

Student Loans and Careers

Students, parents, guidance counselors, and teachers need more information about college financing and careers before a student signs the first promissory note for a student loan. Questions to ask a higher education bound student: Have you looked into state and federal grants, work study opportunities, and scholarships? Have you investigated various college majors and careers, based on your interests and abilities? Have you compared the costs of attendance at each school you are considering? Have you calculated an estimate for the monthly payment you will owe for aggregate (total) student loan debt after graduation? Do you know if your aggregate student loan debt will be an acceptable amount based on a recommended debt-to-income ratio? Financial literacy expert and Professor of Education and Economics, Dr. Deb Figart, discusses student loans and careers in a 47-minute podcast for the College Funding Resource. The podcast is an appropriate lesson for use in the classroom (Grades 8 and up), in a financial workshop, or for independent research at home. Additional recommended resources are provided on the web page with the podcast.
