Grade Changes

Grades represent the professional judgment of faculty in their assigned areas of expertise and, once the final deadline for recording grades has passed, may only be changed when there has been a documented error in grade calculation or in those situations of a successful grade appeal.  Grade changes, except those awarded under the appeal system, may be submitted online by the instructor from the Faculty tab in the goStockton portal. 

Change of “I” Grade

Students who have an "I" grade for an approved Agreement for Completion of Course Work must complete remaining course work by the date specified in the Agreement.  Once the course work is completed, the instructor may submit a grade change online from the Faculty tab in the goStockton portal within seven calendar days of the due date noted on the Agreement.  If a grade is not submitted by the grading deadline for the term as noted on the Academic Calendar, the grade will automatically be changed to an F or NC, as appropriate.